Office and Retail Center
Location: Central Moscow
Dates: 2003-2005

8, Pokrovka street,Moscow.


"Regionservis-A" carried out full reconstruction of this commercial and office center. A cost-effective approach and attention to detail led to outstanding results.


The company carried out the following works:

arranged engineering and validation;

arranged relevant project documentation for the Moscow State Expertise;

verified and arranged initial permits;

identified restrictions for city planning, sanitation, and safety, as well as engineering and infrastructure restrictions, and encumbrances for the land;

organised engineering, geological, geodetic and environmental surveys;

looked into a possibility of connecting to networks;

arranged to obtain specifications, building permits, permits for construction, and associated works;

carried out technical supervision of work, quality control, the volume of work performed, and qualifications of primary and technical documentation;

organised committee for State Construction Supervision of Moscow, prepared and presented relevant documentation; AND

commissioned the building.